Thursday, January 29, 2009

ALL SAIs regarding sixth pay commission

Pay Related SAIs
Corrigendums issued so far
SAIs on ALlowances
Travel Related
Pension Related


  1. Dear Sir

    I believ the allowance for electricity was increased from 100 units to 200 units...would u know if there is any letter that suggests that we can claim a reimbursment of 200 units

  2. Though grant of Transport Allowance for Defence Personnel has been issued in December, 2008 but till date it has not been paid to army officers. Offices of present posting of officers are issuing separat Part-II orders for each officer granting Tp Alwc and endorsing a copy of it to CDA(O), Pune. Considering number of oficers numbering about 43,000/- and there is only one office to cater to these officers one can imagine how much time CDA(O) will take to pay this allowance.

    While civilans have their Pay & Accounts Offices(PAO) nearer to their respective ofices and this allowance has been included in the arear instalments CDA(O) has not done so.

    I know some officers have been granted Tpt Alownc order in March, 2009 but till date it has not been paid to them.

    Also I know there are many MNS ladies promoted three years back but till date their pay in new scale have not been fixed by CDA(O). This raises doubt about quality of people join IDAS.

    while civilians have got their DA @ 22% with salary for March, 2009 Army Personnel got it with June, 2009 salary.

    The more I know abot workng of Defence Ministry more I convice myself that no modern looking person should join indian armed Forces.

    1. all allces of offrs are paid by cda (o) very fast than a PBOR. even then why this kolavery???

  3. It is irrational & sarcastic on the part of Indin Armed Forces that while civilian ladies availed 135 days' of maternity leave since 1996 Army granted only 60 days' maternity leave(ML) to Military Nurses till 2008. Now under 6th PC(SPC)Govt issued order for 180 days ML. But defence hospitals are not granting 180 days' ML and forcing nurses to apply for 60 dyas's ML.

    Surprisingly lady doctors are being allowed to 180 days' ML.

    DPM & PM are mute spectators to the dilema of these ladies. Even These ladies are not writing anything on application forms and simply killing time. One shuld not forget SAS was one day BAHU.

    These backbone less ladies can only become PM & DPM. With frequent cases of sexual harassment in armed forces one can guess how & why these ladies get promotions & beccome DPM/PM.

    One would wonder is there any change in Indian Army after Britishers?

  4. Like civilians have their Pay & accounts Offices(PAO) near to their offices for every group of around 200 employees or more for distributing salary & allowances. It helps employees to examine their bills personally whether PAO has correctly paid or not.

    Similarly defence forces employees should have such accounts offices nearer to their cantonments/places of duty so that they also can examine their claims. As on date thete is only one office for all Army officers of sthrength about 42,000. Therefore there is no scope for physical verification of their bills. It is informlly circulating that this has resulted large scale corruption in defence accounts department. It is also a reason why CDA(O) does not want to be split.

    IDAS officers should know about civilian accounts setup and similar structure should have been done in defence also. But over last 62 years they are just sleeping and enjoying military facilities informally though ther are not officially eligible.

    It is also informally circulating that plenty of un-claimed money of Military Nurses are lying with that office.

  5. From plenty of exploitations & greievances of Military Nurses and other service ladies one goes with an impression that Indian defence service is not yet suitable for any dignified and respectful ladies.

    And those ladies who are here might have compromised like actresses in Bollyhood.

  6. Grade Pay(GP) of Col(TS) other, than Military Nurses, has ben explained vide SAI/3/2008. But similar clarifications order is expected for Military Nurses.

    As Pay Bands & GPs have been notified separately for MNS officers, GP for TS promotions for these degraded ladies should also be issed separately by MoD. As of now Lt. Col(TS) is being paid GP of Rs 6100/- only and not Rs. 6600.


    I am an avid reader and a regular visitor to your site
    For some strange reasons I followed your whisper about the post of vice chief in the Indian army. Well, army no longer stands for righteousness and truth. An inside source revealed that Lt Gen Bhardawaj, G.O.C Northern Command was being touted as the next vice chief. This move will come as a reward for him for burying the skeletons of corruption unearthed by Lt Gen Panag against our present army chief Lt Gen Deepak Kapoor. I wonder why our Raksha Mantri did not see through this move. Is he involved in corruption too? Let's see what your site says about this.

    This is also the same Deepak Kapoor who fought for higher pay scales for male Lt Cols & male Lt Genls but recommended for lowering pay scales of lady Military nurses against 6th CPC suggestions. Unfortunately he succeeded in both the counts.

    By a Visitor

    I think MNS officers have exhausted all the official channels to fulfill their demand of “One rank One Pay(OROP)” or pay parity with the rest of armed forces’ officers. The only channel left, I think, is legal recourse. But experience of past history does not augur much hope.
    Woman activists like Smt. Brinda Karat, Anjana Kumar, Girija Vyas, Sushma Swaraj, Renuka Chowdhary etc have done nothing because they are after all political persons. It will not give them any political mileage. Does Dr. Kiron Bedi, IPS(Rtd) know about it?
    It is an administrative decision under the pressure of Army male Officers. If a lady, sitting as supreme commander, is not willing to help these ladies, Indian Courts can do little to alleviate their dilemma. As of now there is no lady judge in the Supreme Court also. So be hopeless!

  9. Sixth CPC has removed the campus clause for payment of transport allowance to defence personnel. Consequent to this Cantonment offices are issuing individual Part-II Tpt Awc orders for each employees residing inside campuses.

    Unfortunatelt till July, 2009 nobody has been paid Tpt Awc & its arrears since September, 2008.

    Defence Ministrty Should look into the matter.

    An agrieved employee


    Military Nurses are airing their grievances through different media. It appears that their genuine demands
    are as under:
    a) Same pay band(PB) & grade pay(GP) for same rank synchronizing with those of any other Army/Defense Officers.

    b) Nursing allowances at least @ Rs 3,200/- pm in the same logic both civil & military doctors are paid NPA & civil nurses as nursing allowance.

    c) Remaining un-sanctioned 75 days of ML for each confinements during 1996-2008 may be credited to en-cashable earned leaves(EL) in their leave accounts.

    d) Time scale promotions up to Cols, like other officers.

    Concerned Authorities should look into above points to alleviate their long standing demands & perpetrated gender bias.


    I had reported on 04-08-2009 on on the shameful beating meted out to a policeman in UP by his officer, while he was serving as his batman. Today, a much more serious matter has come up in the news. A dalit policeman was killed in Gwalior, while apparently on personal work for the DGP of Andhra Pradesh. This DGP apparently not only had several orderlies for himself, but had also illegally assigned two policemen of Andhra State, to work as servants in the house of his daughter, in Noida. Here, they were underfed, ill treated, and forced to scrounge for food and water.

    Such practices smack of feudalism, and colonialism, and should be abolished at once. Why should we, the taxpayer, have to pay for the personal servants of our civil servants? Why should they not hire them out of their own pockets?

    While 6th CPC has recommended for abolition of this practice and suggested that if any of officers is found to be in this practice salary of the batman be recovered from the salary of the recalcitrant officers and be paid as salary to the batman. But nothing moves positively in this country. Even SC said India is running on the blessings of God only.


    As posted on www.whispersinthe on 05-08-2009 to see casteism in civilian side & society in India.

    Why should the Indian public suffer the likes of Buta Singh and help him and his family mint money at the cost of common taxpayer. He is so unscrupulous that he is prepared to misuse a position meant for the welfare of the downtrodden. In fact, the government would be doing a great disservice to the dalits by retaining him. He should be kicked out immediately or else the public should throw him out physically.

    At the same time people should examine why such dalit complaints come from Maharashtra. Casteism has been introduced in our constitution by Amdedkar, a Marathi. If you find any marathi & govt employee it is almost sure that he/she is a caste certificate holder. You name any marathi at top posts they all are caste certificate holders like, Airport Authority chairman, Jadhav; UGC, Chairman, Thorat; Plg Com. Member, Jadhav, Dy Gov, RBI, Ms Thorat, Kangra Dist. SP Mr Fulzele, DG Railway Health services, Ramteke, kandhmal Dist SP S. K. gajbhiye to state a few. WB PRO of police is Mr Kanojia, IGP.

    Surprisingly they all are dalits. Every office in Maharashtra issues 500 caste certificates daily.

    SC & Mumbai HC has said that majority of fake caste certificates come from Maharashtra. These Marathis are cheating genuine dalits of the rest of India.

    A few years back Shri Rahul Bajaj has written in TOI editorial how caste certificates are misused by Marathis and an Industrialist was sent to jail on false Sc/ST Atrocities Act. A DDG in IDBI made similar complaints against his DG. Mt Kamble, IPS made similar complaint against the DGP and he withdrew the case only when he was made CP of Thane.

    So Buta & Company has found Maharashtra as a good fishing ground. He is the man who, during his tenure at Patna, wrote, on his official pad, for assigning a railway employee store keepers job as it gives daily Rs. 50,000/- as bribe from contractors.

    Writer Sarat Chandra Chattopadhayya write in his novel “Shrikanta” ‘ Nobody becomes untouchable because of his caste but because of his behavior’. He is also the writer of Novel "Devdas" that has been filmed in almost all Indian languages.

    Behaviour of above people remind me this.


  13. To
    The Chairman, AFT, Principal Bench Dated 29-07-2009
    Sub: Gender discrimination by Army against Female Military Nurses, inter-alia, in salary & allowances-reg..
    Respected Sir,
    We Military Nursing Service(MNS), numbering only around 3,000, are commissioned officers having same ranks as any other army officers but our pay scales are different & lower than the rest since 1947. Our aspirations faded when the Govt. of India notified the implementation orders of 6th Central Pay Commission(6CPC) even disregarding its recommendations for pay parity. Special Committee of GoM; headed by Shri Pranab Mukherjee for Defence Forces; accepted & implemented all other demands but none of MNS Officers. As a last resort we would like to draw your kind attention on following points for your kind considerations & alleviations of gender bias/insensitivity of Army:
    1. The MNS officers are commissioned officers like any other defense officers and controlled by Army. They have same designations as other army officers. But their pay scales were different and lower than the rest of army. This practice is going on since 1947 till date despite the 4th & 5th CPC had suggested removing this anomaly & bringing pay of MNS officers at par with the rest. The 6CPC also found this gender discrimination deplorable and commented at para 2.3.20 of its report:
    a) “No differential in salary of officers belonging to the Services or MNS is justified and that the pay band(PB) and grade pay(GP) of similarly designated posts in Service Officers’ cadre and MNS cadre should be same”.
    Despite all above; Ministry of Defense (MoD) issued pay structure of MNS officers vide SAI/4/S/2008 dated 22.12.2008 which is lower & totally separate from that of the rest of defense officers as issued vide SAI/2/S/08 dated 11.10.2008. Further MoD amended this order upgrading all Lt. Cols (excluding MNS officers) to PB-4 & GP Rs 8,000/- vide SAI/2/S/2008 dated 21-04-2009 issued by Binoy Kumar, Joint Secretary but keeping Lt. Cols(MNS) at PB-3 & GP Rs 6,100/- only.
    b) In this context it is informed that while MNS officers require 6, 12 & 20 years of service for time scale(TS) promotions to Capt., Major & Lt. Col whereas the rest of defense officers require only 4, 6 & 11 years of service for the same. While the rest can reach TS promotion to Col in 15 years there is no TS up-gradation for military nurses. Therefore 95% of them retire as Lt Col.
    2. Civil Nurses are paid nursing allowance at the rate of Rs 3,200/- pm now. Under 5CPC order they used to get Rs 1,600/- pm since 1996 but no such for MNS ladies. Both Military & Civil Doctors are being paid Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) @ 25% of their pay.
    3. Since 1996 all ladies working under the union govt. offices enjoyed maternity leave(ML) of 135 days as recommended by 5th CPC. But unfortunately Indian Army granted only 60 days’ ML to Military Nurses till 2008 denying the remaining 75 days.
    4. Therefore genuine demands of MNS officers are as under:
    a) Same pay band(PB) & grade pay(GP) for same rank synchronizing with those of any other Army/Defense Officers.
    b) Nursing allowances at least @ Rs 3,200/- pm in the same logic both civil & military doctors are paid NPA & civil nurses as nursing allowance.
    c) Remaining un-sanctioned 75 days of ML for each confinements during 1996-2008 may be credited to en-cashable earned leaves(EL) in their leave accounts.
    d) Time scale promotions up to Cols, like other officers.
    5. While Army, Navy & Air Force have their individual separate cadres of doctors MNS ladies have only one cadre to serve all the above three wings of defense forces. It makes nursing service more difficult.

    Yours faithfully A retired MNS Officer
    Copy to Shri Kapil Sibbal, Hon’ble Minister of HRD to see how literate ladies are treated in Indian Defense Forces which may dissuade parents to send their daughters to go to school or to join MNS. Also kindly see as a Legal Luminary whether this gender discrimination is justified in 21st century.


    I heard that worst qualities of engineers join

    In Indian defence Forces for over lst 35 years not a single IIT product joined. Therefore only third grade engineers join in Indian defence Forces most from private colleges of southern India or from Military Engineering college. If one experiences the services by Military Engineering Services(MES) it will confirm above hypotheses.

    Maintenance of residential buildings in cantonment areas are carried out by MES engineers. But for last few years this is being done by contract labourers without requisite expertise. These casual workers are not provided minimum accessories to carry out say electrical work.

    Suppose 40 Watt Choke is to be replaced for a tube light at one's residence. The Occupant will complaint to the MES office. One casual worker boy will come and say that the Choke is to be replaced but he is not having one with him. And he will not comae back again with the required choke to make the light functional. The Occupant has to comlaint again stating that one 40 Watt ne choke is required for a tube light then only the service boy will come to repaire it.

    Alternatively if you have ever resided in civil quarters you will get a ring from CPWD service centre, once the service man has left your residence, and ask whether the job has been done satisfactorily. If not the same service boy will be sent again with requisite accessories to make the light functional.

    Would the third grade engineeers of MES will learn from CPWD engineers.

    It is also learnt that most of MES engineers are children of former defence employees as they are selected by defence forces itself. It is another source of corruption in Indian Armed Forces. So is in AMC. Like son of Genl(rtd) Malik's son is in MES or that of Gen(rtd) Vaidya in AF Doctor.

    MES does not fit plastic balls in overhead tanks and as a result there is always flood at the bottom of eash residential buildings of armed forces. Will CM of Delhi please see how water is being wasted in cantonment areas please?

    An Observer

  15. i hundred perscent agree with the observer. MES is to wake up to provide legtimate services to end users besides having their own share or %age system. GE'S & CWE'S must come out and see at least 50 work done by their subordinates instead of sitting inside AC Office

  16. Can anyone tell me what is our right (with regards to MES complaints)as housewives of military personnel? How do we ensure that the MES delivers? What is their function? Is it our fate to live in a chawl-like environment just because we married a serviceman? The MES rarely responds to complaints and when they do it is as if a huge favour is being done...
    I do believe it is the MES who needs to provide a service to us, but the system has become so degraded that our houses are ill-maintained and nothing is done unless we go hysterical...or fix things ourselves...
    I ask this because as part of the armed forces welfare association I want to make housewives more aware of their rights, they need to know what the MES is required to do and what standard of living they are expected to have (on paper).

    Its time to stand up and demand that the MES does their job.

  17. Some people call MES full meaning is money eating service where poor JEs become fully wealthy in 2 to 3 year service and no one catch them.all section of MES office having % But E8 and E3 ,E5 sections most supported to contractors.Govt money are spread in MES .Eveary JEs having own houses ,apartment ,land cars but no anti corruption department looking this matter.the faithfuul Govt emplyee cannot make single home for himself in 28 to 32 year service but the JEs growth I cant't understand this magic please told this magic to our common man and help them to improved himself.

  18. Sir
    Data on "ALL SAIs regarding sixth pay commission" seems to be blocked out.
    Kindly reconcile
