Thursday, April 23, 2009

Finally PB4

Download SAI amendmend from here


  1. Thank you so much Deepa for the wonderful work and ur support. we look forward for similar support in solving other problems which are still not resolved . Thank You.

  2. There are always bad people in society but one who is doing good work should never get demoralised. They will realise at later date when they find themselves in soup.God bless everyone.I am extremly thanfull and wish all round success to blog owner and wish on behalfof all servicemen that god bless him/her.

  3. Deepa,

    Thanks for the information.


  4. The SAI is not found attached.Pse do the needful

  5. While the Lt Cols have been placed in PB4 it would seem that they are starting their pay at 37400 plus 8000 grade pay. Cols on the other hand are getting 37400 plus 8700 grade pay. This would imply that a Lt Col with 15 years service will have more pay than a Col with 20 years service. How will this anomoly be sorted out? Any idea?

  6. @anony 25 apr 8:25 pm

    well this anomoly will not exist. the scale of col will be fixed with incr.only col junior to lt col in length of service will be effected. the idea of entire ex was not to penalized lt col who has not made it to col due to pyramid structure of army. so enjoy and come out of the reason u hav sited

  7. When will the amendment in SAI 4/S/08 regarding Lt Col (MNS) in PB4 will be issued?

  8. Dear Deepa,

    According to SAI 4/S/08 the grade pay of Lt Col(MNS) is Rs 6600/- whereas CDA(O) is giving Rs 6100/- stating that Lt Col(TS) is equivalent to Maj. In MNS corps selection grade starts from the rank of Col. Till Lt Col all rank are time scale. Moreover in MNS corps there is no Lt Col (S). So the grade pay of Rs 6600/- is not applicable to Lt Col(MNS) and PB4 is not applicalbe to Lt Col (MNS). Is this rank is curse to the MNS corps. Rest of the rank are getting all financial benefits whereas only Lt Col (MNS) rank is being deprived from their entitlements. In AMC offrs become Lt Col after completing 13 yrs of service whereas an MNS offr become Lt Col after 20 years of service. Still they dont get any benefit of the rank. The sixth pay commission report stats that "The commission is o the view that no differential in salary of officers belonging to the services of MNS is justified and that the pay bank and grade pay of similarly designated posts in service officers cadre and MNS cadre should be same."Then why this disparity for this rank only.

    Please clarify.

  9. Learn more about MNS Corps, burning issues, status etc.

  10. Everything you want to know about Military Nursing Service (MNS). A forun run by MNS Veterans, log in:

  11. this post has been here for long but no att for the pb4 notification is posted,pl do the needful.

  12. PB4 now being cleared for Lt Col is there any affect on pension of selection grade COL retd before 2006 jan. Kindly clarify Deepa.GOD BLESS TAKE CARE.

  13. Capt Usha, you peopla are a kalank on indian army for making such comments in ur blog and praising the enemy. u ned to b courtmartialed

  14. Denial of PB4 to LT Col(MNS) by Army Authorities shows once again that Indian defence forcs is a male bastion. What is the use of having a woman as President of India or a Speaker of Lok Sabha. Here every one is interested for her/his own interest only. There is gender bias in salary of ladies in Indian Army and no concept of "One rank One Pay" in case of Indian(Female) military Nurses.

  15. It ia a common perception that third grade people join in Police & Defence Forces. Brilliant and genious people join corporate bodies for obvious reasons. From the rest join govt civil services either by competence or by caste certificates.That is why you will find plenty of caste certificate holding Doctors & engineering in normal clerical/administrative govt jobs. And from the rest people go for Defence services. Here there is no need of your ingenuity. Whatever seniors say one has to follow without reasoning. That is why there is so much of vacancy in defence officers cadres that are selected by UPSC.
    Majority of officers in Defence forces are selected by defence force itself and not by UPSC. And that is how corruptions breed. In these Cores one will find officers are selected from relatives and children of serving officers only. If there is any new generation in Defence forces it would an exception. And those are selected who could not make into corporate bodies or civil services on their merit. Some of these cores are ASC, AMC, ADC, MES, MNS etc to name a few.
    Further as defence is protected from civilian scrutiny MES is more corrupt than CPWD/PWD.

    Despite adverse comments by 6th CPC on using PBOR as domestic servants at the residents of Defence Officers the old practice still continuing at all cantonment areas.

    Also despite adverse comments by 6th CPC on pay disparity of Military Nurses with the same rank of other male defence officers perpetrated over last 62 years the gender & salary discrimination continue. While other Lt Cols are in PB-4 with GP Rs 8000/- Military Nurse Lt Cols are in PB-3 & GP Rs 6100/- .With this gender sensitivity of Govt of India will it ever hope to attain gender equity as one of the targets of Millenium Development Goals?

    Rather it should feel shamme with a woman as the head of Indian defence Forces.

    Winston Churchill righly said " After Britishers India will be ruled by Scroundrels"

  16. I knew that 3rd grade people join Indian defense Forces & Police over the generations. But recently I came to know that beauty of wives of service officers and latters' performance in evening parties i.e. cosyness with male Bosses of husbands play greater role in promotion of husbands. It is a great shame on the part of wives of defense officers that they behave like a call girl for futherence of careers of their so-called husbands.

    Also I came to know that wives of junior officers are made to sing & dance in night parties to please their bosses.

    I have been living in cantonment areas for last 10 years and from ultra modern dress & hair styles of women one can indentify whether she is wife of defense officer or not.

    Above has given me the idea why people from respectable families don't go for Military services. Also don't marry of their daughters to defense personnel. I feel a clerical civilian job is far better than military officers job both in respect of dignity & stability of family lives, income wise also. That is why Rajesh Pilot as MP raised the question in Parliament that sevice conditions of defence personnel should be improved. As of now no girl wants to marry even defence officers. Because she will have nomadic life, tolerate drunken husband and be used as call girl to appease her husband' bosses. children's educations also will be disturbed.

    sionce majority of them live without family in cantonment areas, their thirst is quenched by ladies, be it Military Nurses, Others lady defence officers etc. Also they involve themselves in abnormal 7 un-natural sexual behavior and sexual crime rate is more among defence personnel. From my defence & civil background I feel civil services are far better that defence with old midset. Therefore I can appreciate the position & status of MNS officers in Army.

  17. I, of course, a newcomer to this blog, but the author does not agree
